Our list is a balanced selection of our favourite wines right now, meticulously curated to match the ever expanding offerings our seafood menu.

Our aim is to encourage small producers that have more transparency about production and avoid unnecessary additives. We encourage our guests to try more experimental styles and discover the unique qualities of different regions, sometimes from lesser known paths. During the super hot Mediterranean summer, we highly recommend wines with lower alcohol content, refreshing sippers, food friendly skin contact ones with an artisanal quality, light chillable reds and lighthearted-but sophisticated-roses. After all wine is all about diversity, so let’s step out of our comfort zone and embrace this welcoming deviation from the strict, impenetrable nature of wine culture. Let’s all engage in a more conscious consumption and taste wines that feel alive and evolving, always reflecting a sense of place and time. In this way, we support regenerative agriculture and sustainable winemaking practices, thus making a proper political statement, as we face a number of outcomes related to climate change.

So let’s raise our glasses and toast to and ever-ending and adventurous summer, full of unforgettable moments along our loved ones! Cheers!